Ingilizce Türkçe sözlük
Toplam 220 sayfada 65949 kelime. Su an 218. sayfadasiniz.
- wicker
- wide
- wide area network
- wide area network, WAN
- wide sense stationary
- wide-angle
- wide-angle lens
- wide-awake
- wideband
- wideband noise
- wideband signal
- wideband signaling
- widen
- widen(to)
- widespread
- widow
- widow control
- widow line
- widower
- width
- wield
- Wiener
- Wiener schnitzel
- wienie
- wife
- wig
- wiggle
- wigner effect
- wild
- wild animal
- wild ass
- wild boar
- wild card
- wild flower
- wild goose
- Wild horses couldn´t drag me there!
- wild life sanctuary
- wild pear
- wildcard
- wildcard character
- wildcat
- wilderness
- wildfire
- wildflower
- wildlife
- wile
- wilful
- will
- Will you come with us? I´d just as soon not.
- Will you give that to me in writing?
- will-o'-the-wisp
- willful
- willies
- willing
- willingly
- willow
- willowy
- willpower
- willy-nilly
- wilt
- wily
- wimp
- win
- win by default
- win hands down
- win in a walk
- win out
- win s.o. over/round
- win s.o./s.t. back
- win s.o.´s affection
- win the toss
- win through
- wince
- winch
- winchester disk
- wind
- wind instrument
- wind its way
- wind one´s way into s.o.´s affections
- wind s.o. round one´s little finger
- wind s.t. into a ball
- wind s.t. up
- wind up
- windbag
- windbreak
- windbreaker
- windcheater
- winded
- windfall
- windflower
- winding
- winding sheet
- windlass
- windless
- windmill
- window
- window dressing
- window frame
- window function
- window shade
- window-shop
- windowing
- windowpane
- windows
- windowsill
- windpipe
- windscreen
- windshield
- windshield wiper
- windstorm
- windsurfing
- windswept
- windward
- windy
- wine
- wine and dine
- wine cellar
- wineglass
- winegrower
- winepress
- wing
- wing commander
- wing it
- wing nut
- winger
- wink
- winless
- winner
- winning
- winnow
- winsome
- winter
- winter savory
- winter sports
- wintertime
- wintry
- wipe
- wipe s.t. clean
- wipe s.t. dry
- wipe the floor with
- wiper
- wire
- wire brush
- wire communication
- wire rope
- wire s.t. together
- wire service
- wire suture
- wireframe
- wireless
- wireless communication
- wireless modem
- wiretap
- wiring
- wiring diagram
- wiring program
- wiry
- wisdom
- wisdom tooth
- wise
- wise guy
- wise s.o. up to
- wise up
- wiseacre
- wisecrack
- wish
- wish a wish
- wish for
- wish on/upon a star
- wish s.o./s.t. (off) on/upon
- wishbone
- wishful
- wishful thinking
- wishing well
- wishy-washy
- wisp
- wistaria
- wisteria
- wistful
- wit
- witch
- witch doctor
- witch hazel
- witch-hunt
- witchcraft
- witching
- with
- with a grain of salt
- with a high hand
- with a vengeance
- with a will
- with all due respect
- with all my heart
- with an eye to
- with aplomb
- with bated breath
- with child
- with difficulty
- with ease
- with flying colors
- with great relish
- with impunity
- with it
- with kid gloves
- with lightning speed
- with might and main
- with my compliments
- with no strings attached
- with one accord
- with one voice
- with one´s tail between one´s legs
- with open arms
- with pleasure
- with reference to
- with regard to
- with respect to
- with that
- with the best of them
- with/in dismay
- withdraw
- withdraw one´s eyes from
- withdraw one´s objection
- withdraw one´s support
- withdrawal
- withdrawal bleeding
- withdrawal symptom
- withdrawal symptoms
- withdrawn
- withdrew
- wither
- withheld
- withhold
- withhold judgment
- withhold one´s consent
- withhold payment
- within
- within an ace of
- within an inch of his life
- within call
- within hearing
- within limits
- within my ken
- within one´s province
- within reach
- within reason
- within sight
- within-group variance
- without
- without a break
- without a hitch
- without ceremony
- without demur
- without doubt
- without exception
- without fail
- without further ado
- without number
- without price
- without protest
- without question
- without reference to
- without regard to
- without reservation
- without rhyme or reason
- without stint
- without the exception of
- withstand
- withstood
- witless
- witness
- witness stand
- witter
- witticism
- wittingly
- witty
- wives
- wiz
- wizard
- wizened
- wobble
- wobbly
- wodge
- woe
- woebegone
- woeful
- woke
- woken
- wolf
- wolfram
- wolves
- woman
- womanise
- womanish
- womanize
- womankind
- womanly
- womb
- women
- women´s lib
- women´s liberation movement
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