Ingilizce Türkçe sözlük
Toplam 220 sayfada 65949 kelime. Su an 168. sayfadasiniz.
- protamine sulphate
- protasis
- protease
- protect
- protected
- protected field
- protected location
- protected memory
- protecting
- protecting liquid
- protection
- protectionism
- protective
- protector
- protectorate
- protégé
- protégée
- protein
- proteinase
- proteinuria
- proteolysin
- proteolysis
- proteolytic
- proteose
- protest
- Protestant
- Protestantism
- protestation
- prothesis
- prothrombin
- proto-
- protocol
- protocol conversion
- protocol handler
- protocol insensitive
- protocol layer
- protocol sensitive
- protoerythrocyte
- proton
- protoplasm
- protoporphyria
- protoporphyrin
- protoporphyrinuria
- prototype
- prototyping
- protozoal
- protozoan
- protozoon
- protract
- protractor
- protrude
- protrusion
- protuberance
- protuberant
- proud
- proudly
- prove
- provenance
- proverb
- proverbial
- provide
- provide against
- provide for
- provide s.o. with
- provided that
- Providence
- provident
- providential
- providentialism
- providentialist
- providentially
- provider
- province
- provincial
- provincialism
- provision
- provisional
- provisions
- proviso
- provitamin
- provocation
- provocative
- provoke
- provost
- provost guard
- provost marshal
- prow
- prowess
- prowl
- prowl car
- proximal
- proximity
- proximity detector
- proximity effect
- proximity sensor
- proxy
- prude
- prudence
- prudent
- prudery
- prudish
- prune
- pruning
- pruning knife
- pruning shears
- prurient
- prurigo
- pruritic
- pruritus
- Prussia
- Prussian
- prussian blue
- pry
- pry into s.o.´s affairs
- pry s.t. open
- pry s.t. up
- PS
- psalm
- psammoma
- psammoma body
- psec
- pseud-
- pseudo
- pseudo code
- pseudo instruction
- pseudo operation
- pseudo random number
- pseudo random sequence
- pseudo-
- pseudocode
- pseudocolouring
- pseudohermaphrodite
- pseudohermaphroditism
- pseudomembranous
- pseudonym
- pseudopodium
- pseudorandom number
- psittacosis
- psophometer
- psoriasis
- psoriatic
- psu
- psw
- psych
- psych s.o. up (for)
- psych-
- psychasthenia
- psyche
- psychiatric
- psychiatrist
- psychiatry
- psychic
- psychical
- psychics
- psycho
- psycho-
- psychoanalist
- psychoanalyse
- psychoanalysis
- psychoanalyst
- psychoanalytic
- psychoanalyze
- psychobiology
- psychodrama
- psychodynanmics
- psychogenic
- psychologic
- psychological
- psychologically
- psychologist
- psychology
- psychometric
- psychometry
- psychomotor
- psychoneurosis
- psychopath
- psychopathia
- psychopathic
- psychopathologic
- psychopathological
- psychopathology
- psychopathy
- psychopharmacology
- psychosis
- psychosomatic
- psychotherapist
- psychotherapy
- psychotic
- psychotropic
- pt
- pterion
- ptosis
- ptotic
- ptyalin
- pub
- pubertas praecox
- puberty
- pubic
- pubis
- public
- public convenience
- public data network
- public debt
- public domain
- public domain software
- public domain software; freeware
- public enemy
- public health
- public holiday
- public house
- public key
- Public Key Data Encryption System
- public land mobile network
- public law
- public library
- public network
- public nuisance
- public opinion
- public prosecutor
- public relations
- public revenue
- public revenues
- public school
- public sector
- public servant
- public service
- public switched network
- public utilities
- public works
- public-spirited
- publication
- publicise
- publicity
- publicize
- publicly
- publish
- publish the banns
- publisher
- publishing
- publishing house
- puce
- puceron
- pucker
- pud
- pudding
- puddle
- pudendal
- pudgy
- puerile
- puerpera
- puerperal
- puerperant
- puerperium
- Puerto Rican
- Puerto Rico
- puff
- puff s.o. up
- puffball
- puffin
- puffiness
- puffy
- pug
- pug nose
- pugilism
- pugilist
- pugnacious
- pugnaciously
- pugnaciousness
- pugnacity
- puke
- pull
- pull a boner
- pull a fast one
- pull a gun on
- pull a long face
- pull a muscle
- pull a tooth
- pull an all-nighter
- pull at
- pull at/tear at/tug at one´s heartstrings
- pull away
- pull down
- pull down menu
- pull for s.o.
- pull in
- pull in one´s horns
- pull o.s. away
- pull o.s. together
- pull off
- pull on
- pull one´s leg
- pull one´s rank
- pull one´s weight
- pull out
- pull out all the stops
- pull over
- pull rank
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