Ingilizce Türkçe sözlük
Toplam 220 sayfada 65949 kelime. Su an 70. sayfadasiniz.
- detecting instrument
- detection
- detection limit
- detective
- detective story
- detector
- detector circuit
- detent spring
- detention
- deter
- detergency
- detergent
- detergent oil
- detergent power
- deteriorate
- deterioration
- determinant
- determinant of a graph
- determinantal rank
- determinate fault
- determination
- determination of mass
- determination of sugar
- determinative
- determine
- determined
- determiner
- determinism
- deterministic
- deterministic game
- deterministic network
- deterministic simulation
- deterministic system
- deterrence
- deterrent
- detest
- detestable
- dethrone
- detonate
- detonating
- detonating gas
- detonating net
- detonation
- detonator
- detour
- detour road
- detoxication
- detoxification
- detract
- detrending
- detriment
- detrimental
- detrusor
- deuce
- deuterium
- deuterium oxide
- deuteron
- devaluation
- devalue
- devastate
- devastation
- develop
- developed
- developer
- developing
- developing country
- development
- development plan
- development right
- development time
- development tool
- developmental
- developmental age
- developmental stage
- developments
- deviant
- deviate
- deviation
- deviation absorption
- deviation distortion
- deviation ratio
- device
- device (apparatus)
- device cluster
- device control character
- device dependent
- device driver
- device error
- device independence
- device independent
- device name
- device oriented error
- device selection check
- device token
- devil
- devil-may-care
- devilfish
- devilish
- devilment
- devil´s advocate
- devious
- devise
- devoid
- devolution
- devolve
- devonian
- devote
- devoted
- devotee
- devotion
- devotional
- devotions
- devour
- devout
- dew
- dew point
- dew point analyzer
- dew point apparatus
- dew point temperature
- dewater
- dewatering
- dewax
- dewdrop
- dewy
- dexterity
- dexterous
- dextran
- dextrin
- dextrocardia
- dextrose
- dextrous
- dextroversion
- dia
- diabase
- diabetes
- diabetes insipidus
- diabetes mellitus
- diabetic
- diabetic acidosis
- diabetic amaurosis
- diabolic
- diabolical
- diacetic acid
- diacetyl
- diacritical mark
- diagnose
- diagnose, to
- diagnosis
- diagnosis (identification)
- diagnostic
- diagnostic check
- diagnostic disk
- diagnostic manual
- diagnostic message
- diagnostic procedure
- diagnostic program
- diagnostic programme
- diagnostic routine
- diagnostic test
- diagnostic trace routine
- diagnostics
- diagonal
- diagonal element
- diagonal fault
- diagonal longwall
- diagonal matrix
- diagonalisation
- diagonalization
- diagonalize, to
- diagonally
- diagram
- dial
- dial direct to
- dial gauge
- dial graduation
- dial pulse
- dial tone
- dial tone delay
- dial up terminal
- dial, to
- dial-up connection
- dial-up terminal
- dialect
- dialectic
- dialectics
- dialed line
- dialing mistake
- dialing tone
- dialog
- dialog box
- dialogue
- dialysate
- dialyse
- dialysis
- dialyze
- dialyzer
- diamagnetic
- diamagnetism
- diameter
- diameter of pipe
- diametrical
- diametrically
- diametrically opposite
- diamond
- diamond antenna
- diamond bit
- diamond borer
- diamond crown
- diamond cutter
- diamond drill
- diamond drilling
- diamond hammer
- diamond jubilee
- diamond pencil
- diamond saw
- diamond shaped
- diapason
- diapedesis
- diaper
- diaper rash
- diaphanometer
- diaphanous
- diaphoresis
- diaphragm
- diaphragm clutch
- diaphragm cover
- diaphragm opening
- diaphragm seal
- diaphragm spindle
- diaphragm spring
- diaphragm valve
- diaphragma
- diaphragmatic
- diaphragmless microphone
- diaphysis
- diapositive
- diapositive film
- diarrhea
- diarrheal
- diary
- diascope
- diasphore
- diastase
- diastole
- diastolic
- diastolic pressure
- diastrophism
- diathermenous
- diathermic
- diathermy
- diathesis
- diatomic
- diatomic molecule
- diatomite
- diazo compound
- diazomethane
- diazotization
- diazotize
- dibasic
- dibasic acid
- dibenzyl
- dibucaine
- dicarboxylic acid
- dice
- dicebox
- dichloroacetic acid
- dichlorobenzene
- dichloroethane
- dichloroethylene
- dichloromethane
- dichlorophen
- dichotomizing search
- dichotomy
- dichroic
- dichroic crystal
- dichroic fog
- dichroic mirror
- dichroism
- dichromatic
- dicker
- dicoumarin
- dicoumarol
- dicrotic
- dicrotism
- dictaphone
- dictate
- dictation
- dictator
- dictatorial
- dictatorship
- diction
- dictionary
- dictum
- dicumarin
- dicumarol
- did
- Did she hurt herself?
- Did you ever?
- Did your ears burn?
- didactic
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