Ingilizce Türkçe sözlük
Toplam 220 sayfada 65949 kelime. Su an 213. sayfadasiniz.
- utility routine
- utilization
- utilize
- utmost
- utopia
- utopian
- utter
- utterance
- uviol glass
- uvula
- Uzbeg
- Uzbek
- Uzbekistan
- V
- V neck
- V, v
- V-8
- V-interface (ISDN)
- V-necked
- V-series recommendations
- V-shaped
- vacancy
- vacant
- vacant lot
- vacate
- vacation
- vacation school
- vaccinate
- vaccination
- vaccine
- vaccine program
- vaccine prograyn
- vacillate
- vacuous
- vacuum
- vacuum bottle
- vacuum cleaner
- vacuum concrete
- vacuum extractor
- vacuum flask
- vacuum pressure
- vacuum pump
- vacuum tube
- vacuum-packed
- vagabond
- vagal attack
- vagaries
- vagary
- vagina
- vaginal
- vaginal discharge
- vaginal smear
- vagrant
- vague
- vaguely
- vagueness
- vain
- vainglory
- vainly
- valance
- valance electron
- vale
- valence
- Valencia
- Valencia orange
- valency
- valentine
- Valentine´s Day/St. Valentine´s Day
- valerian
- valet
- valiant
- valid
- validate
- validation
- validation check
- validity
- validity check
- validity checking
- validness
- valise
- valley
- valley value
- valonea
- valonia
- valonia oak
- valor
- valorous
- valour
- valsalva's maneuver
- valuable
- value
- value added carrier
- value added network
- value added service
- value judgment
- value of a quantity
- value parameter
- value system
- value-added
- value-added tax
- valve
- valve positioner
- valve replacement
- vamoose
- vamp
- vampire
- van
- vandal
- vandalism
- vandalware
- vane
- vanguard
- vanilla
- vanilla bean
- vanilla extract
- vanillin
- vanish
- vanish into thin air
- vanish without a trace
- vanity
- vanity case
- vanquish
- vantage
- vantage point
- vapid
- vapor
- vaporisation
- vaporise
- vaporiser
- vaporization
- vaporize
- vaporizer
- vapour
- vapourisation
- vapourise
- vapouriser
- vapourization
- vapourize
- vapourizer
- variability
- variable
- variable capacitor
- variable field
- variable length coding
- variable length record
- variable list table
- variable name
- variable size record
- variable speed drive
- variable word length
- variance
- variance reduction technique
- variant
- variate
- variation
- varicose
- varicosis
- varied
- variegated
- variety
- variety show
- variety store
- various
- varmeter
- varmint
- varnish
- varsity
- vary
- vary off
- vary on
- varying duty
- vase
- Vaseline
- vasovagal attack
- vassal
- vast
- vastly
- vastness
- Vatican
- Vatican City
- vaudeville
- vault
- vaulting horse
- vaunt
- vax
- vdu
- veal
- vector
- vector graphic
- vector graphic image
- vector potential
- vector processing
- vector product
- vector quantity
- vector quantization
- vector symbol set
- vector symbol set(VSS)
- vectored interrupt
- vectorial
- veer
- veer round
- veg
- vegetable
- vegetable dye
- vegetable garden
- vegetable kingdom
- vegetable marrow
- vegetable oil
- vegetable physiology
- vegetarian
- vegetarianism
- vegetate
- vegetation
- veggie
- vegie
- vehemence
- vehement
- vehicle
- veil
- vein
- veitch table
- velleity
- velocity
- velvet
- velveteen
- venal
- vend
- vendee
- vender
- vendetta
- vending machine
- vendor
- veneer
- veneering
- venerable
- venerate
- venereal
- Venetian
- Venetian blind
- Venetian sumac
- Venezuela
- Venezuelan
- vengeance
- vengeful
- venial
- venison
- venn diagram
- venom
- venomous
- vent
- vent stack
- ventilate
- ventilation
- ventilation shaft
- ventilator
- ventricle
- ventricular septal defect
- ventriloquism
- ventriloquist
- venture
- venture upon/on
- venturesome
- venue
- Venus
- venus's-flytrap
- veracity
- veranda
- verb
- verbal
- verbal noun
- verbalise
- verbalize
- verbally
- verbatim
- verbena
- verbiage
- verbose
- verbosity
- verdant
- verdict
- verdigris
- verge
- verifiable
- verification
- verification and validation
- verifier
- verify
- verify, to
- veritable
- vermicelli
- vermilion
- vermin
- vermouth
- vernacular
- vernal
- vernal equinox
- vernier
- vernier tuning, fine tuning
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