Ingilizce Türkçe sözlük
Toplam 220 sayfada 65949 kelime. Su an 86. sayfadasiniz.
- exaggerate
- exaggerated
- exaggeration
- exalt
- exaltation
- exalted
- exam
- examination
- examine
- examiner
- example
- exanthem
- exasperate
- exasperation
- excavate
- excavation
- excavator
- exceed
- exceedingly
- excel
- Excellence
- Excellency
- excellent
- excentric
- except
- except for
- excepting
- exception
- exception handling
- exception message
- exceptional
- excerpt
- excess
- excessive
- excessively
- exchange
- exchange (noun)
- exchange (verb)
- exchange area
- exchange blows
- exchange buffering
- exchange rate
- exchange shots
- exchange sorting algorithm
- exchange, to
- exchangeable
- exchanger
- exchequer
- excipient
- excise
- excision
- excitability
- excitable
- excitation
- excitation band
- excitation energy
- excitation potential
- excitation state
- excite
- excited
- excitedly
- excitement
- exciter
- exciting
- exciton
- exclaim
- exclamation
- exclamation point/mark
- exclude
- exclude, to
- exclusion
- exclusion principle
- exclusive
- exclusive or
- exclusive OR circuit
- excommunicate
- excommunication
- excrement
- excrete
- excretion
- excretory
- excruciating
- excursion
- excursion ticket
- excusable
- excuse
- excuse from
- Excuse me.
- excuse o.s.
- executable
- executable code, machine code
- executable instruction
- executable module
- execute
- execute cycle
- execute, to
- execution
- execution cycle
- execution time
- execution trace
- executioner
- executive
- executive committee
- executive information system
- executive power
- executive program
- executive report
- executive routine
- executive workstation
- executor
- executory
- exemplar
- exemplary
- exemplify
- exempt
- exemption
- exercise
- exergy
- exert
- exert o.s.
- exertion
- exertional angina
- exertional dyspnea
- exfoliative
- exhale
- exhaust
- exhaust pipe
- exhausted
- exhaustion
- exhaustive
- exhibit
- exhibition
- exhilarate
- exhilaration
- exhort
- exhortation
- exhume
- exile
- exist
- existence
- existence theorem
- existential
- existentialism
- existentialist
- existing
- exit
- exit routine
- exit, to
- exitus
- exocrine
- exodus
- exogenic
- exogenous
- exogenous variate
- exomphalos
- exonerate
- exophtalmia
- exophtalmic
- exophtalmos
- exophtalmus
- EXOR gate
- exorbitant
- exorcise
- exostosis
- exothermal
- exothermic
- exotic
- exotoxin
- exotropia
- exp
- expand
- expand, to
- expandability
- expanded
- expanded memory
- expanded scale
- expanded scale instrument
- expanded sweep control
- expandibility
- expanse
- expansion
- expansion board
- expansion board
- expansion card
- expansion gate feature
- expansion slot
- expansive
- expat
- expatriate
- expect
- expect the worst
- expectancy
- expectant
- expectant mother
- expectation
- expected value
- expectorant
- expectoration
- expedience
- expedient
- expedite
- expedition
- expel
- expend
- expenditure
- expense
- expense account
- expensive
- experience
- experienced
- experiment
- experimental
- experimental animal
- experimental design
- experimental standard deviation
- experimentation
- expert
- expert classifier
- expert system
- expertise
- expirasyon
- expiration
- expiration check
- expiration date
- expiratory
- expire
- expired
- expired password
- expiry
- explain
- explain away
- explain o.s.
- explanation
- explanatory
- explicable
- explicate
- explication
- explicit
- explicit address
- explicitly
- explode
- exploded pie
- exploit
- exploitation
- exploiter
- exploration
- exploratory data analysis
- explore
- explore, to
- explorer
- explosion
- explosion of laughter
- explosion proof
- explosive
- exponent
- exponential
- exponential back-off
- exponential distribution
- exponential function
- exponential smoothing
- exponential wave
- exponentiation
- export
- export (noun)
- export (verb)
- export duty
- export license
- export, to
- exportation
- exporter
- expose
- exposition
- exposure
- exposure meter
- exposure time
- expound
- express
- express delivery
- express in other terms
- express o.s.
- express one´s sympathy
- express one´s thanks
- expression
- expression(mat)
- expressionless
- expressive
- expressly
- expressway
- expropriate
- expropriation
- expulsion
- expunge
- expurgate
- exquisite
- exsudate
- exsudative
- extant
- extemporaneous
- extemporaneously
- extempore
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