Ingilizce Türkçe sözlük
Toplam 220 sayfada 65949 kelime. Su an 11. sayfadasiniz.
- ambivalent
- ambivert
- amble
- amblyacousia
- amblyopia
- amblyoscope
- ambo
- ambosexual
- ambulance
- ambulant
- ambulation
- ambulatory
- ambush
- ambustion
- ambystomidae
- ameba
- amebiasis
- amebic
- amebicide
- ameboid
- ameboma
- ameburia
- amelanotic
- amelia
- ameliorate
- amelioration
- ameloblast
- amen
- amenable
- amend
- amendment
- amendment file
- amendment record
- amendment tape
- amends
- amenity
- amenorrhea
- amenorrheal
- America
- American
- american law
- American leopard
- American National Standard Code for Information Interchange
- american national standards institute
- american standard code for information interchange
- americanism
- americium
- amethyst
- ametria
- ametrometer
- ametropia
- ametropic
- amiability
- amiable
- amianthinopsy
- amicability
- amicable
- amicable number
- amicably
- amicrobic
- amicron
- amid
- amidase
- amide
- amido group
- amidol
- amidship
- amidst
- aminase
- amine
- amino
- amino acid
- amino group
- amino resin
- aminoacetic acid
- aminoaciduria
- aminophenol
- aminophylline
- aminopterin
- amiss
- amitosis
- amitotic
- amity
- ammeter
- ammine
- ammonal
- ammonia
- ammonia nitrogen
- ammonia soda process
- ammonia synthesis
- ammonia water
- ammoniacal
- ammoniacal copper
- ammonite
- ammonium
- ammonium acetate
- ammonium bicarbonate
- ammonium carbonate
- ammonium chloride
- ammonium hydroxide
- ammonium nitrate
- ammonium perchlorate
- ammonium sulphate
- ammonium sulphide
- ammonolysis
- ammunition
- ammunition dump
- amnalgesia
- amnesia
- amnesic
- amnesty
- amnesty international
- amnihook
- amniocentesis
- amniochorial
- amniochorionic
- amnioclepsis
- amniogenesis
- amniography
- amnioma
- amnion
- amnionic
- amnionitis
- amniorrhea
- amniorrhexis
- amnioscope
- amnioscopy
- amniotic
- amniotic sac
- amniotome
- amniotomy
- amoeba
- amoebic
- amok
- among
- amongst
- amoral
- amorality
- amorous
- amorphous
- amorphous gel
- amorphous material
- amorphous sulphur
- amortisation
- amortise
- amortization
- amortize
- amount
- amount of precipitation
- amount of rainfall
- amount of settling
- amount of shrinkage
- amounting
- amoxicillin
- amp
- amperage
- ampere
- ampere hour
- ampere hour capacity
- ampere hour efficiency
- ampere hour meter
- ampere turn
- ampere turn amplification
- ampere turn gain
- ampere's rule
- ampere-hourmeter
- amperemeter
- ampermeter
- ampersand
- amphetamine
- amphibia
- amphibian
- amphibian helicopter
- amphibian tank
- amphibian vehicle
- amphibious
- amphibole
- amphiphibolite
- amphiphilic
- amphiprotic
- amphitheater
- amphitheatre
- ampholyte
- ampholytoid
- amphora
- amphoric
- amphoteric
- amphoteric oxide
- ampicillin
- ample
- amplidyne
- amplidyne generator
- amplification
- amplification factor
- amplifier
- amplifier gain
- amplifier noise
- amplify
- amplistat
- amplitude
- amplitude accommodation
- amplitude characteristic
- amplitude distortion
- amplitude fading
- amplitude filter
- amplitude frequency conversion
- amplitude limiter
- amplitude linearity
- amplitude modulated oscillation
- amplitude modulation
- amplitude modulation equivalent
- amplitude modulation, AM
- amplitude non-linearity
- amplitude peak
- amplitude phase keying, APK
- amplitude response
- amplitude separator
- amplitude shift keying, ASK
- amplitude/amplitude characteristic
- amplitude/frequency characteristic
- amply
- ampoule
- ampule
- ampulla
- ampulla of rectum
- ampulla of uterine tube
- ampulla of vater
- ampullar
- amputate
- amputation
- amputee
- amuck
- amulet
- amuse
- amusement
- amusing
- amyasthenia
- amyelia
- amyelotrophy
- amygdalin
- amygdaloid
- amyl
- amyl acetate
- amyl alcohol
- amyl nitrite
- amylaceous
- amylase
- amylene
- amylese
- amylogenesis
- amyloid
- amyloidosis
- amylose
- amylum
- amyocardia
- amyoplasia
- amyoplasia congenita
- amyotaxy
- amyotonia
- amyotonia congenita
- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- an
- an accomplished fact
- an odd fish
- an off street
- an open question
- an open secret
- anabatic wind
- anabolic
- anabolism
- anachronism
- anacidity
- anaconda
- anacrotic
- anacrotism
- anacusia
- anadicrotic
- anadicrotism
- anaemia
- anaemic
- anaerobe
- anaerobic
- anaerobic bacteria
- anaerobic respiration
- anaesthesia
- anaesthesie
- anaesthesiologist
- anaesthetic
- anaesthetist
- anaesthetize
- anaglyph
- anagram
- anal
- analcime
- analeptic
- analgesia
- analgesic
- analgia
- analog
- analog adder
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