Ingilizce Türkçe sözlük
Toplam 220 sayfada 65949 kelime. Su an 7. sayfadasiniz.
- aerosol
- aerospace
- aerostat
- aerostatic
- aerostatics
- aerotechnic
- aerotherapy
- aerothermotherapy
- aesculapius
- aesthete
- aesthetic
- aesthetics
- aestival
- afar
- afar off
- afebril
- afection
- affable
- affair
- affect
- affect ignorance
- affectation
- affected
- affection
- affectionate
- affective personality
- afferent
- affidavit
- affiliate
- affiliate o.s. with
- affiliated
- affiliation
- affinated sugar
- affination sugar
- affine
- affine coordinate system
- affine function
- affine geometry
- affine hiperplane
- affine properties
- affine property
- affine space
- affine transformation
- affinity
- affinity chromatography
- affinity to dyes
- affirm
- affirmation
- affirmative
- affix
- affixing
- affixing lead
- afflict
- afflicted
- affliction
- affluence
- affluent
- afford
- afforest
- afforestation
- affront
- affusion
- Afghan
- Afghanistan
- afibrinogenemia
- afield
- afire
- aflame
- aflatoxin
- afloat
- afore
- aforesaid
- afraid
- afresh
- Africa
- African
- african elephant
- african manatee
- african migratory
- aft
- aft entry door
- after
- after a fashion
- after all
- after flight check
- after flight examination
- after image
- after lock journalizing
- after sales service
- after scrooping
- after the dust has settled
- after the fashion of
- after-image
- afterbirth
- afterburning
- aftercooler
- aftereffect
- afterfinish
- afterflow
- afterglow
- afterimage
- afterlife
- aftermath
- afternoon
- afterproduct
- aftershave
- aftershock
- aftertaste
- afterthought
- aftertreatment
- afterward
- afterwards
- afterwing
- afunction
- again
- against
- against nature
- against s.o.´s will
- against the grain
- agalactia
- agamas
- aganglionic
- aganglionosis
- agar
- agar agar
- agastria
- agastric
- agate
- agate mortar
- agave
- age
- age class
- age class distribution
- age determination
- age hardenable alloy
- age hardenable nickel
- age hardenable steel
- age hardening
- age hardening alloy
- age hardening steel
- age limit
- aged
- ageing apparatus
- ageing furnace
- ageing temperature
- ageing time
- ageless
- agency
- agenda
- agendum
- agendum call card
- agenesia
- agenesis
- agent
- agent provocateur
- ageusia
- agger
- agglomerate
- agglomeration
- agglutinant
- agglutinate
- agglutination
- agglutinin
- agglutinogen
- agglutinonogen
- aggrandise
- aggrandisement
- aggrandize
- aggrandizement
- aggravate
- aggravation
- aggregate
- aggregate, to
- aggregation
- aggression
- aggressive
- aggressive water
- aggressivity
- aggressor
- aggrieved
- aghast
- agile
- agility
- agility of mind
- aging
- aging test
- agitate
- agitated
- agitation
- agitator
- agitographia
- agitolalia
- aglossia
- aglow
- aglutinative
- aglutition
- aglycone
- agmatology
- agnail
- agnathia
- agnogenic
- agnosia
- agnostic
- agnosticism
- ago
- agonadal
- agonal
- agonic
- agonic line
- agonise
- agonize
- agony
- agoraphobia
- agouties
- agouty
- agraffe
- agranulocyte
- agranulocytosis
- agranulosis
- agraphia
- agrarian
- agrarian geography
- agrarian zone
- agree
- agreeable
- agreement
- agria
- agricultural
- agricultural chemistry
- agricultural cooperative
- agricultural credit
- agricultural engineer
- agricultural engineering
- agricultural implement
- agricultural insecticide
- agricultural labour
- agricultural labourer
- agricultural land
- agricultural machine
- agricultural machine industry
- agricultural pollution
- agricultural product
- agricultural production
- agricultural technique
- agricultural tractor
- agriculturalist
- agriculture
- agriculturist
- agrimony
- agrimotor
- agrlcultural belt
- agromania
- agronomy
- aground
- agrypnocoma
- ague
- agyria
- AH
- ahead
- ahead of time
- AI
- aid
- aid station
- ail
- aileron
- aileron angle
- aileron aper
- aileron balance
- aileron compensation
- aileron control
- aileron cord
- aileron deflection
- aileron fulcrum
- aileron leading edge
- aileron operating tube
- aileron positioning relay
- aileron pushrod
- aileron reversal
- aileron rib
- aileron servomotor
- aileron tab
- aileron trailing edge
- aileron trimming
- aileron vibration
- ailing
- ailment
- aim
- aim at
- aim dot steering
- aim to
- aiming circle
- aiming point
- aimless
- air
- air accumulator
- air adjusting screw
- air admission
- air admission hole
- air assisted hydraulic brake system
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