Ingilizce Türkçe sözlük
Toplam 220 sayfada 65949 kelime. Su an 169. sayfadasiniz.
- pull rank on
- pull s.o. in
- pull s.o. over
- pull s.o. through
- pull s.o. up
- pull s.o./s.t. away
- pull s.o./s.t. through
- pull s.o.´s leg
- pull s.t. (on)
- pull s.t. apart
- pull s.t. over
- pull s.t. over one´s head
- pull s.t. to
- pull s.t. to pieces
- pull strings
- pull the door to
- pull the rug out from under s.o.
- pull the wool over s.o.´s eyes
- pull through
- pull together
- pull two people apart
- pull up
- Pull up a chair and sit down!
- pull up at
- pull up stakes
- pull votes
- pulley
- pullover
- pulmonary
- pulmonary abscess
- pulmonary acariasis
- pulmonary artery
- pulmonary circulation
- pulmonary edema
- pulmonary embolism
- pulmonary phthisis
- pulmonary stenosis
- pulmonary vein
- pulmonates
- pulmonic
- pulmonic regurgitation
- pulp
- pulpit
- pulpy
- pulsar
- pulsate
- pulsatile
- pulsatility
- pulsating
- pulsating electrostatics
- pulsating flow
- pulsating voltage
- pulsation
- pulsative
- pulse
- pulse amplifier
- pulse amplitude modulation, PAM
- pulse bandwidth
- pulse carrier
- pulse code modulation, PCM
- pulse decay
- pulse delay
- pulse duration modulation, PDM
- pulse interleaving
- pulse modulation, PM
- pulse position modulation
- pulse punch
- pulse regeneration
- pulse repeater
- pulse repetition frequency
- pulse repetition rate
- pulse reshaping
- pulse rise time
- pulse shaping circuit
- pulse signalling
- pulse spectrum
- pulse switch
- pulse train
- pulse transformer
- pulse triggering
- pulse width
- pulse width modulation
- pulsed quantity
- pulsus alternans
- pulsus bigeminus
- pulsus paradoxus
- pulverise
- pulverization
- pulverize
- pulverizer
- puma
- pumice
- pummel
- pump
- pump handle
- pump up
- pumping station
- pumpkin
- pumpkin pie
- pun
- punch
- punch biopsy
- punch bowl
- punched card
- punching bag
- punctate
- punctilious
- punctiliously
- punctual
- punctuality
- punctuate
- punctuation
- punctuation mark
- punctum
- puncture
- pundit
- pungent
- punish
- punishable
- punishment
- punitive
- Punjab
- Punjabi
- punk
- puny
- pup
- pup tent
- pupa
- pupil
- pupilla
- pupillary
- puppet
- puppet government
- puppet show/play
- puppeteer
- puppetry
- puppy
- purchase
- purchaser
- pure
- pure and simple
- pure code
- pure pursuit steering
- pure strategy
- pure substance
- pure tone
- purebred
- purée
- purely
- purgation
- purgative
- purgatory
- purge
- purge, to
- purification
- purified
- purify
- purify, to
- purine
- puritan
- puritanical
- purity
- purl
- purloin
- purple
- purple language
- purple passage
- purport
- purpose
- purposeful
- purposeless
- purposely
- purpura
- purr
- purse
- purse snatcher
- purslane
- pursuance
- pursuant
- pursue
- pursuit
- purulence
- purulent
- purvey
- purveyor
- purview
- pus
- push
- push ahead
- push away
- push back
- push down
- push down list
- push down queue
- push down stack
- push for
- push forward
- push in
- push off
- Push off!
- push on
- push one´s luck
- push one´s way
- push pop stack
- push pull amplifier
- push s.o. around
- push s.o. out
- push s.t. on s.o.
- push s.t. through
- push the panic button
- push up
- push up daisies
- push up list
- pushbutton
- pushbutton dialing
- pushchair
- pushdown list
- pushdown stack
- pushdown storage
- pushout stack
- pushover
- Pushto
- Pushtu
- pushup list
- pushup storage
- pusillanimous
- puss
- pussy
- pussycat
- pussyfoot
- pussyfooter
- pustule
- put
- put a bold face on
- put a call through
- put a crimp in
- put a flea in one´s ear
- put a spoke in s.o.´s wheel
- put a stop to
- put a whammy on s.o.
- put about
- put all one´s eggs in one basket
- put an animal away
- put an animal down
- put an animal out of its misery
- put an animal to sleep
- put an embargo on
- put an end to
- put back
- put by
- put down at/in/on
- put forth
- put forward
- put in
- put in a good word for s.o.
- put in an appearance
- put in for
- put in one´s two cents worth
- put in pledge
- put in prison
- put in time on
- put into commission
- put into effect
- Put it down, please!
- Put it in reverse!
- put it/the car/the motor in neutral
- put money on
- put o.s. in another´s place
- put off
- put off an appointment
- put on
- put on a mask
- put on a scene
- put on airs
- put on an act
- put on the feedbag
- put on the map
- put one´s best foot forward
- put one´s cards on the table
- put one´s feet up
- put one´s finger on
- put one´s foot down
- put one´s foot in it
- put one´s foot into it/put one´s foot in one´s mouth
- put one´s hand/hands on
- put one´s head in the lion´s mouth
- put one´s house in order
- put one´s nose to the grindstone
- put one´s shoulder to the wheel
- put out
- put out feelers
- put out of commission
- put pen to paper
- put pressure on
- put s.o. away
- put s.o. down
- put s.o. in a flutter
- put s.o. in his/her place
- put s.o. in mind of
- put s.o. in the picture
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