Ingilizce Türkçe sözlük
Toplam 220 sayfada 65949 kelime. Su an 177. sayfadasiniz.
- revolutionary
- revolutionise
- revolutionize
- revolve
- revolver
- revolving
- revue
- revulsion
- reward
- rewind
- rewind, to
- reword
- rewritable optical disk
- rewrite
- rewritten
- rewrote
- rft
- rh sensitization
- rhabdomyoma
- rhabdomyosarcoma
- rhabdosarcoma
- rhachis
- Rhaeto-Romanic
- rhapsody
- rheostat
- rheostatic starter
- rhetoric
- rhetorical
- rhetorical question
- rheumatic
- rheumatism
- rheumatismal
- rheumatoid
- rheumatoid arthritis
- rheumatoid spondylitis
- rheumatology
- rhexis
- rhinestone
- rhinitis
- rhino
- rhinoceros
- rhinocerotidae
- rhinolalia
- rhinolaryngitis
- rhinopharynx
- rhinophyma
- rhinoplasty
- rhinorrhea
- rhinoscope
- rhinoscopy
- rhizome
- rhizopoda
- Rhodes
- Rhodian
- rhododendron
- rhodopsin
- rhombencephalon
- rhombic antenna
- rhomboid
- rhombus
- rhonchus
- rhubarb
- rhyme
- rhythm
- rhythmical
- rhytmic
- rib
- ribald
- ribbed vault
- ribbon
- riboflavin
- ribonuclease
- ribonucleic acid
- ribose
- ribosome
- ribs
- rice
- rice flour
- rice plant
- rice pudding
- rice water stool
- rich
- rich text format
- riches
- Rician fading channel
- rickets
- rickettsia
- rickety
- ricochet
- ricochet fire
- rid
- rid o.s. of
- rid s.t. of
- riddance
- ridden
- riddle
- ride
- ride a high horse
- ride a wave
- ride bareback
- ride for a fall
- ride on
- ride roughshod over
- ride s.t. out
- rider
- ridge
- ridgepole
- ridicule
- ridiculous
- riding
- riding breeches
- riding for a fall
- riding habit
- rifampicin
- rifampin
- rifamycin
- rife
- riffraff
- rifle
- rift
- rig
- rig the market
- rigging
- right
- right adjust
- right align
- right alignment
- right angle
- right atrium
- right away
- Right face!
- right handed
- right indent
- right justify
- right justify, to
- right margin
- right of assembly
- right of asylum
- right of eminent domain
- right of sanctuary
- right of search
- right of way
- right off
- right on time
- Right on.
- right triangle
- right wing
- right winger
- Right you are!
- Right!
- right#adjust
- right#align
- right#justify
- right-hand
- right-handed
- righteous
- rightful
- rightfully
- rightist
- rightly
- rightminded
- rigid
- rigid disk
- rigidity
- rigor
- rigor mortis
- rigorous
- rigour
- rile
- rim
- rime
- rind
- ring
- ring abscess
- ring binder
- ring counter
- ring false
- ring for a servant
- ring hollow
- ring in
- ring mold
- ring network
- ring off
- ring road
- ring s.o. up
- ring s.t. up
- ring the changes on
- ring topology
- ring true
- ringback
- ringback tone
- ringing
- ringing circuit
- ringing frequency
- ringing tone
- ringleader
- ringlet
- ringmaster
- ringside
- ringworm
- rink
- rinse
- rinsing
- riot
- rip
- rip cord
- rip s.o. off
- rip s.t. off
- rip s.t. open
- rip s.t. up
- ripe
- ripen
- ripoff
- ripple
- ripple sort
- ripple through counter
- ripple voltage
- risc
- rise
- rise above
- rise time
- rise to the occasion
- risen
- rising
- risk
- risk analysis
- risk assesment
- risk assessment
- risk function
- risk management
- risk one´s neck
- risky
- risus sardonicus
- rite
- ritual
- rival
- river
- river bed
- rivet
- rivet one´s eyes on
- riveting
- Riviera
- rivulet
- rje
- RMS value
- roach
- road
- roadblock
- roadmap
- roadside
- roadway
- roam
- roaming
- roaming access number
- roar
- roaring
- roast
- roasted chickpea
- roaster
- roasting
- rob
- rob Peter to pay Paul
- robber
- robbery
- robe
- robot
- robot controller
- robot joints
- robotic arm
- robotics
- robust
- rock
- rock bottom
- rock candy
- rock crusher
- rock crystal
- rock dove
- rock garden
- rock partridge
- rock pigeon
- rock reef
- rock salt
- rock the boat
- rocker
- rocker arm
- rocket
- rocking chair
- rocking horse
- rockrose
- rocky
- rod
- rod reflector
- rode
- rodent
- rodentia
- rodenticide
- rodeo
- roe
- roe deer
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