Ingilizce Türkçe sözlük
Toplam 220 sayfada 65949 kelime. Su an 150. sayfadasiniz.
- object oriented programming
- object oriented testing
- object program
- object-based
- object-oriented analysis
- object-oriented design
- object-oriented programming
- object-oriented testing
- objection
- objectionable
- objective
- objective criterion
- objective function
- objective performance
- objective probability
- objective value
- objectively
- objectivity
- oblateness
- obligate
- obligation
- obligatory
- oblige
- obliging
- oblique
- oblique angle
- obliterate
- obliteration
- obliterative
- oblivion
- oblivious
- oblong
- obnoxious
- oboe
- oboist
- obs
- obscene
- obscenity
- obscure
- obscuring
- obscurity
- obsequious
- observability
- observable
- observable variable
- observance
- observances
- observant
- observation
- observation noise
- observation post
- observatory
- observe
- observe, to
- observer
- obsess
- obsession
- obsessive
- obsolescence
- obsolescent
- obsolete
- obstacle
- obstacle race
- obstetric
- obstetric amnesia
- obstetrical
- obstetrician
- obstetrics
- obstinacy
- obstinate
- obstinately
- obstipation
- obstreperous
- obstruct
- obstruction
- obstructive
- obtain
- obtainable
- obtrude
- obtrusive
- obturator
- obtuse
- obtuse angle
- obviate
- obvious
- obviously
- occasion
- occasional
- occasionally
- Occident
- Occidental
- occipital
- occiput
- occlusion
- occlusive
- occult
- occult blood
- occupancy
- occupant
- occupation
- occupational
- occupy
- occur
- occur to s.o.
- occurance
- occurrence
- ocean
- ocean current
- ocean sunfish
- Oceania
- Oceanian
- oceanography
- ocrea
- Oct
- octagon
- octahedral
- octahedron
- octal
- octal number
- octal numbering system
- octane
- octane number
- octave
- octet
- octet rule
- octet sequence integrity
- octet, byte
- October
- octopus
- octupole
- ocular
- oculist
- oculocardiac reflex
- oculomotor
- odd
- odd even check
- odd function
- odd harmonic
- odd or even
- odd parity
- odd parity check
- oddball
- oddity
- oddly enough
- odds
- odds and ends
- ode
- odious
- odometer
- odontoblast
- odontoblastoma
- odontologist
- odontology
- odor
- odorant
- odoriferous
- odorimetry
- odoriphore
- odorless
- odour
- odourless
- oedema
- oeil-de-boeuf
- oersted
- of
- of a different kind
- of a piece with
- of age
- Of all their loyal servants none was more so than he.
- of course
- of high standing
- of late
- of long standing
- of necessity
- of no account
- of no consequence
- of no earthly use
- of one´s own accord
- of one´s own free will
- of one´s own volition
- of sorts
- of the first water
- of the old school
- of yore
- off
- off and on
- off base
- off chance
- off color
- off diagonal
- off duty
- off hook
- off limits
- off line
- off line operation
- off line processing
- off line storage
- off one´s feed
- off one´s head/out of one´s head
- off shore
- off the beam
- off the coast of
- off the cuff
- off the hook
- off the map
- off the press
- off the record
- off the top of one´s head
- Off with you!
- off-color
- off-hook (telefon)
- off-licence
- off-line
- off-line encipherment
- off-line encrypting
- off-line operation
- off-line printer
- off-line testing
- off-position
- off-premise line
- off-site processing
- off-site storage location
- off-system unit of measurement
- off-the-shelf
- off-the-shelf software; shelfware
- offal
- offbeat
- offence
- offend
- offender
- offense
- offensive
- offer
- offer battle
- offer for sale
- offer resistance
- offer/return thanks
- offering
- offhand
- office
- office automation
- office call
- office computer
- office hours
- officeholder
- officer
- official
- official minute book
- officially
- officiate
- officious
- officiously
- offing
- offline
- offprint
- offset
- offset carrier
- offset stacking
- offshoot
- offshore
- offside
- offside lane
- offspring
- often
- ogle
- ogre
- Oh
- Oh yeah?
- Oh, for wings!
- ohm
- ohm's law
- ohmic contact
- ohmmeter
- ohmmeter, resistance meter
- oho
- oil
- oil circuit breaker
- oil field
- oil filled cable
- oil filter
- oil gauge
- oil lamp
- oil painting
- oil pan
- oil s.o.´s hand/palm
- oil slick
- oil tanker
- oil well
- oilcan
- oilcloth
- oiling ring
- oilstone
- oily
- ointment
- ok
- OK, OK
- okay
- okra
- olcultation
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