Ingilizce Türkçe sözlük
Toplam 220 sayfada 65949 kelime. Su an 191. sayfadasiniz.
- spearmint
- special
- special case
- special character
- special delivery
- special edition
- special purpose computer
- specialisation
- specialise
- specialist
- speciality
- specialization
- specialize
- specialty
- species
- specific
- specific action
- specific emission
- specific gravity
- specific heat
- specification
- specification language
- specification practice
- specifications
- specificity
- specify
- specimen
- specious
- speck
- speckle
- speckled
- specs
- spectacle
- spectacles
- spectacular
- spectator
- specter
- spectral
- spectral behaviour
- spectral congestion
- spectral leakage
- spectral line
- spectral power density
- spectral rolloff
- spectre
- spectrogram
- spectrograph
- spectrometer
- spectrometry
- spectrophotometer
- spectrophotometric analysis
- spectrophotometry
- spectroscope
- spectroscopy
- spectrum
- spectrum analyzer
- specular reflection
- speculate
- speculation
- speculative
- speculator
- speculum
- sped
- speech
- speech analysis
- speech center
- speech coding
- speech recognition
- speech scrambler
- speechless
- speed
- speed converter concentrator
- speed dialing
- speed limit
- speed of convergence
- speed up
- speed variator
- speedboat
- speedgate
- speedometer
- speedway
- speedwell
- speedy
- speleologist
- speleology
- spell
- spell checking
- spell s.t. out
- spellbind
- spellbound
- speller
- spelling
- spelling checker; spell checker
- spelling dictionary
- spelt
- spend
- spend itself
- spend money like water
- spend o.s.
- spend time in the society of one´s friends
- spending money
- spendthrift
- spent
- sperm
- sperma
- spermatic
- spermaticidal
- spermatid
- spermatocide
- spermatocyte
- spermatogenesis
- spermatogonium
- spermatozoid
- spermatozoon
- spermicidal
- spermicide
- spermine
- spermiogenesis
- spermiogram
- spermium
- spew
- sphagnum
- sphenofrontal
- sphenoid
- sphenoid bone
- sphenoidal
- sphenomandibular
- sphenomaxillary
- sphenopalatine
- sphenoparietal
- sphenorbital
- sphenozygomatic
- sphere
- sphere of influence
- spheric
- spherical
- spherical aberration
- spherical wave
- spherocyte
- spherocytosis
- spheroid
- spheroidal
- sphincter
- sphincteric
- sphingolipid
- sphingolipidosis
- sphingomyelin
- sphingosine
- sphinx
- sphygmomanometer
- sphygmomanometry
- sphyra
- spice
- spice a food up
- spice s.t. up
- spicebush
- spices
- spick-and-span
- spicule
- spicy
- spider
- spider crab
- spider nevus
- spiel
- spiffy
- spigot
- spike
- spike heel
- spike s.o.´s guns
- spill
- spill blood
- spill the beans
- spillover
- spillway
- spilt
- spin
- spin a yarn
- spin stabilization
- spin-dryer
- spina bifida
- spinach
- spinal
- spinal analgesia
- spinal anesthesia
- spinal column
- spinal cord
- spinal marrow
- spindle
- spindly
- spindly legged
- spine
- spineless
- spinning
- spinning mill
- spinning wheel
- spinothalamic
- spinster
- spiny
- spiraea
- spiral
- spiral downwards
- spiral staircase
- spiral upwards
- spiramycin
- spire
- spirillum
- spirit
- spirit lamp
- spirit level
- spirited
- spiritless
- spirits
- spiritual
- spiritualism
- spiritualist
- spirituality
- spirituous
- spirochetal
- spirochete
- spirography
- spirometer
- spirometry
- spirt
- spit
- spit cotton
- Spit it out!
- spit up
- spite
- spiteful
- spitfire
- spittle
- spittoon
- splanchnic
- splash
- splash down
- splashdown
- splatter
- splay
- spleen
- splendid
- splendor
- splendour
- splenectomy
- splenic
- spleniform
- splenitis
- splenocele
- splenocolic
- splenocyte
- splenography
- splenoid
- splenomegaly
- splenoportography
- splenorenal
- splice
- splint
- splint bone
- splinter
- splinter hemorrhage
- split
- split hairs
- split infinitive
- split one´s sides
- split pea
- split peas
- split screen
- split second
- split up
- split-and-merge technique
- split-second
- splitter
- splitting
- splotch
- splurge
- splutter
- spoil
- spoiled child
- spoils
- spoilsport
- spoilt
- spoke
- spoken
- spokesman
- spokeswoman
- spondylarthritis
- spondyle
- spondylitis
- spondylolisthesis
- spondylolysis
- spondylosis
- spondylosyndesis
- sponge
- sponge cake
- sponge s.t. dry
- sponger
- spongioblast
- spongioblastoma
- spongiocyte
- spongiocytoma
- spongiositis
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