Ingilizce Türkçe sözlük
Toplam 220 sayfada 65949 kelime. Su an 192. sayfadasiniz.
- spongy
- sponsor
- sponsorship
- spontaneity
- spontaneous
- spontaneous abortion
- spontaneously
- spoof
- spoofing
- spook
- spooky
- spool
- spool printing
- spooler
- spooling
- spoon
- spoonbill
- spoonfeed
- spoonful
- spoor
- sporadic
- sporangium
- spore
- sporicidal
- sporicide
- sporification
- sporogenesis
- sporoplasm
- sporotrichosis
- sporozoon
- sport
- sport coat
- sport shirt
- sporting
- sports car
- sportsman
- sportsmanlike
- sportsmanship
- sportswear
- sportswoman
- sporulation
- sporule
- spot
- spot beam
- spot distortion
- spot recorder
- spot size
- spot-check
- spot-weld
- spotless
- spotlight
- spotted
- spotter
- spotty
- spouse
- spout
- sprain
- sprain one´s ankle
- sprain/twist one´s ankle
- sprained ankle
- sprang
- sprat
- sprawl
- spray
- spray applied material
- spray gun
- spray, to
- sprayer
- spread
- spread its wings
- spread like wildfire
- spread o.s. thin
- spread one´s arms wide
- spread rumors
- spread s.t. thin
- spread spectrum
- spread-eagle
- spreading
- spreadsheet
- spreadsheet program
- spree
- sprig
- sprightly
- spring
- spring a leak
- spring into life
- spring mattress
- spring onion
- spring opposed bellow
- spring to one´s feet
- spring towards the door
- spring/vernal equinox
- springboard
- springtime
- sprinkle
- sprinkler
- sprinkler system
- sprinkling
- sprinkling can
- sprint
- sprinter
- sprite
- sprite graphic
- sprite graphics
- sprout
- spruce
- spruce o.s. up
- sprue
- sprung
- spry
- spue
- spume
- spun
- spunk
- spunky
- spur
- spur s.o. on
- spur-of-the-moment
- spurge
- spurious
- spurious correlation
- spurious oscillation
- spurious pregnancy
- spurious signal
- spurn
- spurt
- sputter
- sputter out
- sputterer
- sputtering
- sputum
- spy
- spyglass
- sql
- squabble
- squad
- squad car
- squadron
- squalid
- squall
- squalor
- squamata
- squamous
- squamous cell carcinoma
- squamous epithelium
- squander
- square
- square accounts
- square bracket
- square dance
- square law
- square law detection
- square matrix
- square meal
- square meter
- square one´s jaw
- square one´s shoulders
- square peg in a round hole
- square root
- square s.o. away
- square s.t. away
- square summable
- square wave
- square wave generator
- squash
- squat
- squatter
- squatty
- squawk
- squeak
- squeak through
- squeaky
- squeal
- squealer
- squeamish
- squeegee
- squeeze
- squeezer
- squelch
- squelch threshold
- squelching circuit
- squid
- squill
- squinch
- squint
- squint eyed
- squire
- squirm
- squirrel
- squirrel cage
- squirt
- squirt gun
- squirting cucumber
- Sri Lanka
- Sri Lankan
- St Lucie
- St Lucie cherry
- stab
- stab s.o. in the back
- stabile
- stabilisation
- stabilise
- stabiliser
- stability
- stability of a linear system
- stabilization
- stabilization time
- stabilize
- stabilized road
- stabilizer
- stable
- stable equilibrium
- stable linear system
- stable state
- stable system
- staccato
- stack
- stack machine
- stack memory
- stack pointer
- stack up
- stacker
- stacking swivel
- stadia
- stadium
- staff
- staff officer
- stag
- stag beetle
- stag party
- stage
- stage fright
- stage manager
- stagecoach
- stagehand
- stagestruck
- stagflation
- stagger
- staggering
- staging
- stagnant
- stagnant point
- stagnate
- stagnation
- staid
- stain
- stainable
- stained glass
- stained-glass
- staining
- stainless
- stainless steel
- stair
- staircase
- stairway
- stake
- stalactite
- stalagmite
- stale
- stalemate
- stalk
- stalklet
- stall
- stall s.o. off
- stallion
- stalwart
- stamen
- stamina
- stammer
- stammerer
- stammering
- stamp
- stamp collecting
- stamp collector
- stamp pad
- stamp s.o. as
- stampede
- stamping
- stamping ground
- stance
- stanch
- stand
- stand a chance
- stand alone
- stand alone modem
- stand alone program
- stand as it is/was
- stand aside
- stand at
- stand at attention
- stand back
- stand behind
- stand by
- stand by one´s guns
- stand by one´s word
- stand clear
- stand clear of
- stand close examination
- stand corrected
- stand down
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